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Which Disney Princess Do You Look Most Like

Top Ten Best Disney Princesses

Please make this vote one the Princess that would deserve to be a princess the most and not on your favorite

The Top Ten

1 Mulan - Mulan Fa Mulan, a character inspired by an actual historic figure is a character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' 36th animated feature film Mulan, as well as its sequel Mulan II.

Mulan is a great princess. She is the most courageous princess there is in my opinion! She dresses up as a man to go to war and prevents her father from dying in a brutal way. She saves the most populated place on earth and meets a pretty interesting guy. She works so hard and trains so much. Honestly I think she deserves a bit more attention and love.

Mulan is so pretty, and her 'Reflection' song is really touching. She's fearless, and I think the first Asian Disney Princess. She's not the princess-y princess, and she's not even a princess! According to Maui "If you wear a dress, and have an animal sidekick, you're a princess." NOT TRUE, MAUI! Mulan is not a princess. She's a loyal, fearless soldier who abandoned her comforting live to save her father. Mulan is a beautiful, action-packed movie and it's really fun!

I read the plot of the live action Mulan movie and it sounds like it's gonna suck. The one Disney remake that could've actually worked and they're ruining it. I'm probably still gonna watch it since Mulan is an awesome character. She's the kind of character that all girls should take inspiration from. She proves to people that women aren't weak. They are also very tough and strong. She even manages to save China. All on her own. She also cares about her family quite a lot. She's not the character who needs a man. Even though she still ends up with a man later on. I don't think it's even an opinion that Mulan is the best Disney princess ever. This should be a fact. This is an amazing character. The live action movie may not sound like it will be good, but hopefully it surprises me. No matter how bad it might be, it will still be better than the terrible Mulan sequel.

I hate that so many people think that Elsa is the strongest and the first feminist princess, it seems that they forgot or don't know Mulan.

Mulan may not be royalty, but so what, she's awesome!
She went in her father's place even though she knew that she was unfit to fight and that if they found out that she's a girl, they would kill her. She saved the male lead instead of the other way around. Even after they found out who she is and left her all by herself in the cold, she still wanted to warn them about the enemy even though her work was done, she could have easily just went home, but she didn't. She shows, like Tiana, that even if you are an independent strong women, it's ok to get married, it doesn't make you weak like many people think these days. When she was offered a high position, she turned it down and said that she just wants to see her family. She killed hundreds of people, she saved China with her brain and skills that she learning while training.

And ...more

2 Snow White - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Snow White is a fictional character from Disney's first ever film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves . She is Disney's first ever Disney Princess and is the only Disney Princess to have her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame .

She is just so sweet. The way she talk to animals has my heart melting sometimes. I love how she still loves grumpy even though he basically hates her at the start. She is also the first disney princess. I think that that makes her extra special. She works super hard to make everyone and everything around her happy. If it weren't for Mrs.Snow White, would we even have all of the disney princesses we have today?

Snow White is definitely the best Disney princess! Now people just like the princesses such as Elsa, Belle, Mulan or Rapunzel,because they are strong, brave and independent. And they have big dream too, right? Snow White has all that things! What's wrong with you guys? One of the hardest princesses is Snow White. She has to work hard day by day, and the queen could kill her anytime! She has big dream, like any other Disney princesses. You will think that the princesses like Belle is poor 'cause she lives in a shabby house and her life is hard. But look! She still has the love of the father and she lives happily through the day. How 'bout Elsa, Anna, or Jasmine? They're too happy: living in big castle, never have to work (or at least doing some chores), and their parents love them so much ( of course, if they are still alive) But Snow White, or Cinderella have to work hard in their own house without any love, or care! They are still optimistic, and never complain about their lives. ...more

Snow White is the first ever Disney princess. Which is why she's not that interesting of a character. That doesn't mean she's bad though. She's just so adorable and has a very happy personality. I also found out that she's 14 apparently. She doesn't really look that young. I love how she's actually willing to work hard. Even getting some help from her animal friends. Kind of weird that she can talk to animals. How does someone gain the skill to do that? She also treats the dwarfs like she's their mother. I love the mother/son relationship between them. However, Snow White doesn't get quite a lot of development. Also, I feel like she's a little too nice. She was willing to eat an apple from a stranger. Why would anyone do that? Still, Snow White is an enjoyable character.

Snow White, the fairest of them all, the one who started it all. In my opinion, she's the best Disney princess, not only because she's the first princess, but she's also the greatest animated character of all time. I loved Snow White since I was a kid, until now, I find her even more wonderful. It always bothers me when somebody judges her and calls her an idiot. She's much better than people think. Although she could be a little bit naive (of course, she's only 14), she's still kind not to everyone, but animals too. Just love her.

3 Belle - Beauty and the Beast Belle is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991) and in the live action remake Beauty and the Beast (2017). Belle is the intelligent and selfless young daughter of an inventor who does not conform to the normal ways of her small more.

Belle is amazing. She stayed positive and didn't originally dream of a man. Yes, she fell in love, but only because she found someone who accepted her for who she was. She sacrificed herself for her Father, which I might add is actually braver than Mulan's sacrifice. Why? Because wars happen all the time. Mulan literally knew what was coming. She knew a lot about wars. But Belle? Belle had a Beast. And she's never seen one before. She doesn't know a thing about it. You don't see it everyday. But she still did it. That is way braver. She doesn't judge by looks, and doesn't immediately fall in love with someone due to how handsome they are. For the first time in Disney history, it was the Princess who saved the Prince, and who made it possible? Belle. But best of all, she doesn't care what other people think about her. She had it bad. A whole town of people mocking her and gossiping about her. Calling her strange and funny for reading. But she kept reading. She didn't care what other ...more

Belle may appear to be a feminist, so what? She is an empowering woman, great. Esmeralda is WAY 100 times better! Esmeralda out of all the leading ladies of Disney had it worse! She grew up on the streets and everyday faced social and racial discrimination. Yet she continued to fight for equality and stand up against injustice. Esmeralda is hands down the most selfless Disney leading lady, even though she suffers, she prays and sings for the less fortunate. Even a feminist like Belle still sits around singing about how she wants her life to get better. If her father haven't gotten lost she would still be sitting in that village living a provincial life. She is still a self-absorbed princess. Esmeralda is not a feminist, she is a humanist which is better. Esmeralda believes in equality for all! Esmeralda and Mulan are the two most empowered and heroic female characters! Give Esmeralda the attention she deserves and stop glorifying these privileged princesses!

I find Belle to be snobbish towards her small town neighbors. Belle walks around shrugging at her neighbors and singing about "provincial life" and "little people." The fact that Belle's neighbors don't have the luxury to be sitting around doesn't ever cross Belle's mind. Not once! So she reads? Big deal. So does Rapunzel and Ariel. She looks past appearances? Only after putting herself in a compromising place ( as the beast's prisoner) does Belle stop judging others. Belle claims she is in love with the beast, and then she is quick to give out the beast's location to Gaston ( her stalker) when she thinks her father is in trouble again... I'd choose Mulan or Ariel over Belle any day.

I went to the Hollywood Bowl a couple of weekends ago to see a Beauty and the Beast concert. While Zooey Deschanel was pretty good, she doesn't compare to Paige O'Hara. Watching the entire animated movie during that concert with a live orchestra playing the background music really reminded me of why Belle is a great character. She isn't like other girls. She stands out from everyone else in the village. She's even the only one who wears blue. She also doesn't care about looks. Gaston is a good looking dude but has a terrible personality. The Beast is a scary looking dude who later ended up having a great personality. Even when he transforms back into a human he somehow looks worse than he did as a Beast. But Belle didn't care because that's true love. Now that I said "true love" I can't stop thinking about that emotional song from the Frozen Broadway Musical.

4 Rapunzel - Tangled Rapunzel is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 50th animated feature film Tangled, and its short sequel Tangled Ever After. She is the tenth Disney Princess, the first Disney Princess to be CGI-animated, and the first Disney Princess to have freckles or green eyes.

1. She's way more intelligent than Belle. Reading is just one of Rapunzel's skills, while the basis of the adoration of Belle's intelligence is basically based on her reading Jack and the Beanstalk.

2. She's got crazy diplomacy skills - she'd probably charm all of Corona's criminals and enemies. Sure, Mulan's a fantastic warrior, but there's also such a thing as a fantastic peacemaker. You lose a lot less people if you don't engage in war every time a country threatens you.

3. She's kind and selfless and would have the unwavering loyalty of her people. So when she grows up, whatever decision she makes is going to be done, little to no questions asked.

4. She's got guts. If a guy tries to assassinate her while she's alone, she can whack them over the head with a frying pan.

I think Rapunzel is my second favourite Disney Princess, after Belle and Mulan.

Even though the Barbie version of Rapunzel was the first Rapunzel I've seen and it holds a special place in my heart because of that, but despot that, this Rapunzel is still my favourite version of the character. I read on a list that one girl who loves Ariel thinks that Rapunzel is a carbon copy of Ariel, she's not, she has her own personality. Sure she goes along with a guy she barely knows, but she's not running away, she just wants to explore the outside world. Plus she's the first Disney princess to walk around barefoot. Plus her and Flynn are seen as equals which is great. To those of you who think that Elsa and Anna (I still like Anna, just not as much as other people do) are the first feminist Disney princesses, you either forgot or haven't heard of Mulan, Tiana, and Rapunzel.

There is no doubt that Rapunzel (and Aurora) is the best Disney Princess. Flaws of others:
Cinderella: She kind of gives up her dream, and even burst into tears. She is not brave enough to stand up to her stepparents.
Opposite: Brave, not giving up
Snow White: Can't she just be a bit more smart? She eats a apple given by a ugly stranger, which she is warned not to do her whole life.
Opposite: Intelligent
Mulan: You are right, she did be brave. But be who you are. She even pretends to be a boy, not recognising who she was.
Opposite: Responsible
Belle: Hey, she did sacrifice herself for her father. But she cannot rely on herself, she needs the beast to save her from the wolves.
Opposite: independent.
Ariel: She does not put family first, she cares about a prince stranger.
Opposite: family first.
Anna: She falls in love with somebody she just met, and that's crazy. No telling if he is evil.
Opposite: Smart
Elsa: She's almost killed her sister, and ...more

Rapunzel is spunky, smart, and I think she's most like Belle. She's pretty, and how her signature weapon is a frying pan is definitely funny. Magic hair is cool, and she deserves so much more than an evil Mother Gothel...right? I felt so bad for her when she couldn't see the lanterns, but she finds the silver lining in everything.

5 Jasmine - Aladdin

Jasmine is a perfect role model for young girls. She is fierce and won't be taken advantage of. She is kind and compassionate, lets not forget when she gave the bread to the children. Jasmine is also smart, remember when she tricked Jafar. She has a tiger as a pet! And she doesn't want people telling her what to do, she uses her voice and stands up for herself, her song speechless (Aka the best Disney princess song) is a good example of this. She teaches everyone to stand up for themselves, which is important especially for young girls. Like Jasmine sings in her song, she won't be silenced. No one should be silenced! This is what Jasmine teaches everyone. People have to know how important they are and how important their voice is! Jasmine is a role model for everyone. She teaches people they have to stand up, speak, and make change in the world.

Jasmine is the best. Now Rapunzel was my favourite and I was going to vote for her but I was shocked by the comments. Rapunzel fans were jerks. That's why I voted for Jasmine. Now I hate Rapunzel

Jasmine is hot. She's definitely one of the hottest female Disney characters. Her looks aren't the only thing that makes her a great Disney princess. She also has a great personality. She's tired of living life as a princess and wants to explore what's outside the palace. Kind of sounds like Ariel. The reason why it works here is because they actually show us how unhappy she is being in the palace. She also doesn't do anything stupid to explore the outside world. Also, Ariel pretty much goes off to be with a prince anyway whereas Jasmine wants to get away from the royalty life. She wants to be a normal girl. That's something we rarely see from Disney princesses. While she isn't the main character of the movie, she still gets a lot of development. She's easily one of the greatest Disney princesses.

Jasmine is awesome because she doesn't let others to control her. Shes really beautiful And definitely NOT a Gold Digger. She cares about poor people. She gave a poor child an apple. Its just so normal That she doesn't want to marry a random selfish Prince. And PLUS she has a Pet TIGER! And a perfect voice. Jasmine the best princess ever

6 Tiana - The Princess and the Frog Princess Tiana of Maldonia is a fictional main character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' 49th animated feature film The Princess and the Frog.

I think she's rude during The Princess and The Frog. Tiana is outright mean to Ray about his dream to be with Evangeline, the star, and picks on Naveen over and over until he calls her "a stick in the mud." I want to shut off the movie! I do shut off Tiana's movie 10 minutes into it, as the movie is as boring as grass growing, and I find Tiana's nitpicky behavior to be most grating on my nerves. Tiana is LITERALLY one of the most DISRESPECTFUL heroines Disney has EVER created! Basically, Tiana is an easy example of a business person who goes around criticizing everyone around her in order to make herself look good. Tiana is one self-righteous piece of work. All Tiana has is her workaholic mentality. Whereas other people in the movie ( Charlotte, Mama Odie, Naveen) "make time" for breaks and enjoy life, Tiana "dumps on them" for "taking the easy way." Tiana has to REMEMBER her father's dying wish, and Tiana has to RECALL "how to be kind" to other people, while kindness is part of ...more

I kissed a frog and I liked it. This is one of the rare times in which the woman saved the man and not the other way around. Despite getting together with a prince at the end of the film, she's shown to not need a man. She's willing to work very hard to achieve her dreams. She's also very tough in certain situations. Tiana was the last 2D animated princess Disney has created. I wish Princess and the Frog got more attention. It's only been 9 years, but I already consider it a classic. Tiana is the best character in the movie.

She is a great role model. And she works hard to get what she wants because, "Fairy tales can't come true, you gotta make them happen, it all depends on you,"-Tiana. This is a great lesson. Every other disney princess is handed evrything.

I haven't watched Princess and the Frog but I've read all I can. She's hardworking and quick learning. I really like her. She's so pretty, too!

7 Ariel - The Little Mermaid Princess Ariel is a fictional character and the title character of Walt Disney Pictures' 28th animated film The Little Mermaid.

Ariel just wants to be part of our world. She has the courage to give up her voice for a man too! She explores creepy shipwrecks for fun! I would never do that. I'm to much of a chicken to do that.

Ariel will always be my favorite, and contrary to what people who clearly haven't seen the film in years think, she is a fantastic role model and Disney Princess. She tries to explain her curiosity and interest to her father but is constantly shut down by him and not ever given a chance to express herself, surviving a male dominated ocean she breaks the mold her sisters are happy to abide by, as Ariel goes out there and explores her passion. Ariel does not let herself be confined to her fathers prejudices which I think speaks volumes about her character and is very much relatable today. Also she doesn't throw everything away for a man, Eric was her extra push to finally going out there and achieving her dreams to be on land, also not forgetting Ariel is only 16 and during the films time period it was normal for girls younger than her to be married, Ariel wants to find to true love like all Disney Princesses and most women so don't think she should be condemned for doing so. Triton was ...more

I certainly find Ariel to be a sweeter person than Belle, Tiana, Merida, and Elsa. Belle is a complete snob. Tiana disses people left and right. Merida is so ruthless about getting her own way, that she's willing to hurt her mother to win the argument. Elsa can't control her anger, so she freezes her sister's heart. What is it with these modern princesses that makes them ALL such angry, grouchy, pissed off girls? Honestly, I don't like the whole lot of the moderns except for Rapunzel, Anna, and Moana.

And I do think Ariel deserves to be higher than Tiana. Tiana never smiles, except after she gets what she wants, and has destroyed other people's dreams while attaining it.

I liked Ariel when I was a kid but that was only because she was pretty, but now that I'm an adult, I only like her in the beginning, she's the opposite of many of the great Disney princesses: she gives everything up for a guy who's name she doesn't even know, she's the reason her dad was turned into that thing Ursula turned him into, and I hate how greedy she is.

8 Cinderella - Cinderella Princess Cinderella is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' 12th animated feature film Cinderella and its sequels Cinderella II: Dreams Come True and Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.

She is a loving, sweet and nice girl. She exhibits remarkable virtues like humility, kind ness, love and compassion which a role role model should truly exhibit.

Cinderella is a kind, loving, gentle princess who always tries to see the good in everyone. So let's have her break a glass slipper like a bottle and use it to cut someone. Cinderella is such a nice character that I care about what happens to her in the movie. She lives with two evil stepsisters and an evil stepmother. Kind of a pretty bad life to be living. She has to put up with so much torment. Kind of like how Kelly Marie Tran had to deal with extremely mean Star Wars fans. Which caused her to leave social media. She's such a nice lady. I don't know why people felt the need to harass her. Anyway, Cinderella managed to accomplish her goal of going to the ball, meeting a prince, and living a happy life. She totally deserved it since she is such a kind girl with good morals. The live action version of her is also very kind hearted, but the problem is she's TOO happy. The animated character at least gets upset when she needs to be. Which makes her a more relatable character.

Cinderella is a beautiful woman who lost her mother who became sick and her father who died in a storm on a ship.She had an evil stepmother and two ugly stepsister who made her do everything for them. She was just the nicest princess who could handle all of this and then met this handsome prince who she adored and not long after that became his wife. She was probably one of the nicest princesses. Cinderella should be at least in fourth.

Cinderella deserves a better rank than this. She is hard working and kindhearted. She remained kind till the end. She didn't even talk back when her stepmother and step sisters mistreated her. Instead she was kind to them. She may not be my favorite Disney Princess, but she is truly an inspirational character.

9 Merida - Brave Princess Merida is a fictional character from Pixar's first ever Disney Princess film, Brave. She is a talented archer who wishes that she were not destined to become the Elegant Queen of Dun Broch. She is forced into a marriage betrothal by her mother, with whom she has a very negative relationship. more.

Why do people hate Merida? She acts like a cranky teen at first, but she makes up for it. Despite not always agreeing with her mother's decisions, she still very much loves her. She even tries to protect her after she turned into a bear. Merida is better than people give her credit for. She's very adventurous and she's not afraid of anything. Her skills provide for some excellent action scenes that are just so entertaining to watch. Her archery skills are top notch. Her sword fighting skills aren't bad either. Also, her hair is amazing. And yes, she is an official Disney princess even though she's from Pixar. Speaking of Pixar, I've been hearing really good things about Incredibles 2.

I am tired of those dumb classic princess movies like snow white, and cinderella. BORING! Marisa is one of my favorites, because she stood up for what she believed in, and and is strong, unlike classic princesses dancing in their point dresses with princes! Merida MUST be on the top three!

Merida should be #3. Mulan should be in Merida's place!

Marisa is also one of the only Disney princesses that doesn't hook up with some guy at the end

10 Aurora - Sleeping Beauty

Despite considering her the second worst Disney princess, I don't actually hate her. She's a lovely character with a beautiful singing voice and a very kind attitude. The problem is we don't see her a lot in the movie. We don't get to know a lot about her. I feel like she will have more screen time in Wreck-it Ralph 2 than she does here. When people discuss Disney princesses, she's rarely ever brought up. She's so forgettable. She's the princess with practically no personality. Then again, it's better than having a straight up terrible personality like Ariel.

Aurora is a very kindhearted princess. I love her character but I think Tiana deserves the second place.

I honestly don't think she should be this high. I mean come on, she was asleep for almost the entire movie!

To be honest, just voting for her because that piece of trash Elsa doesn't deserve to be so high.

The Contenders

11 Pocahontas - Pocahontas Pocahontas is a title character in Disney's 33rd animated feature film Pocahontas, and its direct-to-video sequel Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World.

Pocahontas is pretty cool. I'll admit that. The movie she's in, however, is kind of boring. She made the movie "slightly" more interesting since she knows quite a lot about nature. She can even talk to trees. Somehow. Of all the Disney princesses, she has the best singing voice. The songs she sings are so powerful because of her voice. She's very adventurous and very brave. She even ends up saving John Smith. Unfortunately, she doesn't really have a lot of memorable moments. Not even any memorable lines of dialogue. Which is a shame because she could've been such a great character. By the way, I do not like the way she looks in Wreck-it Ralph 2. Also, I found it weird that we actually see her hair flowing in THE WIND! Or in this case, THE LACK OF WIND!

Pocahontas in a nature me! She cares about her family and her home. 'Colors of the Wind' really touched me. She's pretty, smart, and fearless, and that makes her truly unique.

Pocahontas is without a doubt the best Disney princess of all time.

Did somebody smear her face in that picture?

12 Moana - Moana Moana is the protagonist of Disney's 2016 animated feature film of the same name. Born on the island village of Motunui, Moana is the daughter of Chief Tui and Sina, with an inherited love for the seas and voyaging. When her island becomes endangered, Moana is chosen by the ocean to journey across the more.

Oh, Moana, she's so fearless, has a connection with water, which is really cool, and she's determined, loyal, and smart. That's all I have to say because everyone knows she's awesome.

How is she not in the top 3? She saved her people. She's better than Anna, Aurora, Cinderella, Snow White, and Ariel- all those people and more! This is ridiculous!

Moana doesn't come out for over a year, though.

Moana is awesome!

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